General Terms and Conditions Snowplaza.co.uk
These terms and conditions apply to all services that are directly or indirectly made available online, on any mobile device, by email or by telephone. By using Snowplaza, you agree to the following terms and conditions (including the privacy statement and the cookie policy).
Disclaimer and limitation of liability
Although the information on Snowplaza.co.uk has been compiled with the utmost care, Spalder Media Group BV cannot guarantee that all information will be correct and up-to-date. Spalder Media Group BV accepts no responsibility for direct or indirect damage due to the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided by its websites.
Snowplaza.co.uk services
Snowplaza.co.uk (on behalf of Spalder Media Group BV) aims to provide an online platform where winter sports enthusiasts can keep informed about winter sports. Users can research destinations, discover and compare different ski resorts and request a brochure or more information about accommodation. We act solely as an intermediary in order to connect these requests with the corresponding business(es).
Accuracy of information
The information found on our site is based on our own experiences and information that is provided to us by the ski resorts. We do our utmost to ensure accuracy of information but cannot be held liable for errors. Third parties who choose to promote and advertise their ski resort, accommodation or other product on our website are responsible for the accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information displayed on our website.
None of the material on this website may be published elsewhere or reproduced without prior written consent from Spalder Media Group BV. This applies to reproduction by printing, offset printing, photocopying or microfilm, as well as any digital, electronic, optical or other forms. The same applies to any reproduction on behalf of a company, organisation, institution or private practice, study or other use that is not strictly private in nature, or for dissemination in any newspaper, magazine or similar publication, whether print or online, or in radio or television.
Snowplaza.co.uk uses cookies, small files that contain data allowing us to identify you when you visit our website. Cookies do not contain any personal data and are only used in order to store certain preferences in order to enhance user experience. Learn more about cookies >
Booking ski holidays through Snowplaza.co.uk
Snowplaza.co.uk provides information about hotels and travel agencies, helping users to research and book their holidays. Snowplaza.co.uk is NOT a travel agency and merely performs an intermediary role between our users and the holiday providers. Snowplaza.co.uk does not offer any holiday deals of our own or play an active role in the booking process. We advise you to contact the hotel or travel agency directly should you have any questions about reserving or booking your holidays.
Snowplaza.co.uk and third-party websites
Snowplaza.co.uk contains links to other websites, designed to provide users with relevant information. Snowplaza.co.uk has no influence over and is not liable for the way these third-party websites handle data from Snowplaza.co.uk users.
User reviews
Snowplaza.co.uk users have the option to write a review of a given ski area, ski resort or après-ski bar. This service is provided with the aim of informing future users about prior user experiences. We may modify, reject or delete these reviews at our discretion whenever they should come in conflict with our guidelines. Snowplaza.co.uk does not accept user reviews that contain foul language, personal attacks, adverts or comments of a sensitive nature.
Right to make changes
Snowplaza reserves the right to make changes to the website and general terms and conditions.